spezie 1984 - woman
17.00 € 0.00 €
spezie 1984 - woman
0.00 €    17.00 €

Savings 0% (-17.00 €)

Women's Organic T-Shirt
€ 17.00
Available colours

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Avete presente i barattoli di spezie scaduti che circolano nelle nostro cucine ereditate dai genitori o dai nonni? 

Abbiamo deciso di dedicargli una maglietta perchè, secondo noi, siamo un po' tutti barattoli di spezie in giro per il mondo!

Comprando la maglietta, potrai anche dire di aver partecipato in maniera tangibile a sostenere “questa cosa strana” che è cucinaremale ed avrai la nostra più sincera gratitudine!

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Product Design, Texts and Contents of this page are managed independently by the store owner as indicated on the Legal Information page.

Eco-Friendly Cotton T-Shirt Certified in accordance with Organic Content Standard 100.

Shipping is carried out 5 to 7 working days starting from tomorrow.

Shipping cost is 4.95 € for the first purchased item 1.45 € for each additional product.

We will print the product for you once the order is received, each product is made to order to guarantee the highest quality.
This mode of production allows us to reduce waste and environmental impact.